Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The garden survived our week away. The peas have sprouted and are going strong. There bibb lettuce, mesclun and mache are all showing great promise. There are even some chard and carrot sprouts starting to poke their way through. Nothing yet from the parsley or cilantro in the herb beds.
As if the chipmunks, bunnies and squirrels aren't enough to content with we now have wild turkeys as well! The bunnies are easy to scare away and Lucky does a good job of keeping watch. The chipmunks are a little cheeky, but even they will run when chased by a large grumbling animals (me). The turkeys, however, are terrifying. They're huge, and they just look at you. I am afraid of the turkeys.
Temperatures have been very warm - it's been in the low 90s for a few days. The leaves on the large trees are starting to come out.
As it stands now, the central and western beds get full sun from aboutb 9-5, with some additional dappled sun in the early morning and evening. The eastern bed gets full sun from about 11:30-5:30, but that big oak hasn't set its leaves yet.
On 4/26/09, I started some additional seeds in pots in doors. Despite the hot temps, we are still (technically) in frost territory. I started 2 pots each of Persian Cucumbers, Asian Cucumbers, French Beans, Kentucky Beans, Parsley and Basil.
The strawberries are looking perky and green. I mulched them with pine needles to up the acid content of the soil.

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