Sunday, June 26, 2011

Signs of disease in the potato patch

Lower leaves are turning yellow with black spots...dum...dum...dum
I think it could be early blight.

Young brussels sprouts

The brussels sprouts are coming up well. Here they are at nearly 2 months along. They still look pretty small to me. Sprouts by September?

Snap peas are ready for eating

This is the time of year we eat snap peas for dinner 3 nights a week. These 4 square feet grow snap pea plants 6 or 7 feet tall that put out bushels of peas. Snap peas have been far and away the easiest food I've ever grown. I haven't had any problems with disease or even critters. And for about 4 weeks we get more peas than we can ever eat. By the beginning of July I'll be good and sick of snap peas.

Growing parsnips

This wee parsnip has been in the ground almost two months. Rumor has it that these little babies can stay in the ground through the first frost. I wouldn't know because I've never gotten anything to grow from parsnip seed for the past two years of trying.

Chard 1 month later

The rainbow chard has grown well in the wet June weather. We even had some for dinner the other night. I plucked every other little plant to give the others more room to get bigger and cooked them up with loads of garlic -tender and delicious.